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Toontown Wiki
Barnacle Bessie
Barnacle Bessie 2
Physical description
Gender: Female
Species: Duck
Color: Lime Green
Building: Trim The Nail Boutique
Street: Barnacle Boulevard
Area: Donald's Dock
v • d • e

Barnacle Bessie is an NPC duck who owns Trim The Nail Boutique on Barnacle Boulevard, Donald's Dock.

SOS Toon[]

Barnacle Bessie is also an SOS Toon. She is a 5-star Drop SOS. When called upon, she will use Grand Pianos that deal a damage of 170 to all Cogs in battle.


  • She is the second strongest SOS Toon, only being beaten by Clerk Clara's TNT, which do 180.
  • The Grand Pianos she uses deal the same damage as a maxed Grand Piano.

