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The Corporate Ladder, displaying the first eight Cogs in each type

Not to be confused with Corporate Raider, a Bossbot Cog.

The Corporate Ladder is the order of importance and strength a Cog is positioned in. For example, on the corporate ladder of Bossbots, a Flunky is the lowest and the Chief Executive Officer is highest.

Corporate ladders are essential to keep order in the Cog world. There are thirty-six spots on the corporate ladder, nine for each type of Cog. The Corporate ladder ranges the Cogs to their damage point: The higher level the Cog is on the Corporate ladder, the more damage it can do (as well as the levels it has).

Sellbot Corporate Ladder[]

  1. Cold Caller
  2. Telemarketer
  3. Name Dropper
  4. Glad Hander
  5. Mover & Shaker
  6. Two-Face
  7. The Mingler
  8. Mr. Hollywood
  9. Senior Vice President

Cashbot Corporate Ladder[]

  1. Short Change
  2. Penny Pincher
  3. Tightwad
  4. Bean Counter
  5. Number Cruncher
  6. Money Bags
  7. Loan Shark
  8. Robber Baron
  9. Chief Financial Officer

Lawbot Corporate Ladder[]

  1. Bottom Feeder
  2. Bloodsucker
  3. Double Talker
  4. Ambulance Chaser
  5. Back Stabber
  6. Spin Doctor
  7. Legal Eagle
  8. Big Wig
  9. Chief Justice

Bossbot Corporate Ladder[]

  1. Flunky
  2. Pencil Pusher
  3. Yesman
  4. Micromanager
  5. Downsizer
  6. Head Hunter
  7. Corporate Raider
  8. The Big Cheese
  9. Chief Executive Officer