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Toontown Wiki

The Factory foreman is the head of the Sellbot Factory in Sellbot Headquarters. It is a level 9 Skelecog. Toons battle against it and three other Level 6 Cogs in the Center Silo Control Room. After it is defeated, Toons get a Sellbot Cog suit piece or merits if they have already completed the suit.

Starting phrases[]

  • "I'm the Foreman."
  • "Let me introduce you to the Foreman." (said by one of the level 6 Cogs)


Name of origin[]

A foreman is a person that watches over people in a factory.

In other languages[]

Language Name English Translation
FR French Contremaître ???
ES Spanish ??? ???
D German Vorarbeiter ???
BRZ Brazilian Portuguese Supervisor da fábrica ???
Japan Japanese 工場長 ???

See Also[]
