Welcome to the place to ask for user rights! You can begin your request below this message. It will be answered soon. All requests must be made for a registered Wikia account and they must be 13 years or older. Please do not open a request unless you believe you meet all the requirements.
If you are a user of this wiki already and you think you are ready to become an admin then here are the requirements:
You have at least 500 in the "Main" category of your Edit Count.
You never created spam, vandalism, or destroyed another's work on an article.
You have never harassed another user.
You have never edited another user's user page (unless you only did it to clean up spam).
You have never been blocked.
You have helped the wiki with at least one of its projects.
You are a trusted user to the community.
You have been a member of this Wiki for at least 60 days.
When requesting user rights, you will see a body of text. Do not edit that. Leave that to the administrators. Also, add a statement (underneath the body of text) of which rights you are requesting for and why. The community may also choose to give you questions regarding the role of the specified user rights; you may choose not to answer, however.
Notes: You may have to purge this page to see changes.
Use this contact form to request for user rights.
Please type in your username (case sensitive).