Toontown Wiki
Toontown Wiki

Level 7 Cogs are medium-leveled Cogs. They have 72 health points (16 more than the previous level). They are most commonly found in the streets of The Brrrgh and Donald's Dreamland, but they can be found in other playgrounds if a field office is present. Players usually encounter them in medium level Cog buildings as well as the Sellbot Headquarters and Cashbot Headquarters.


Bossbots Lawbots Cashbots Sellbots
YesmanTC DoubleTalkerTC TightwadTC NameDropperTC
Yesman Double Talker Tightwad Name Dropper
MicromanagerTC AmbulanceChaserTC BeanCounterTC GladHanderTC
Micromanager Ambulance Chaser Bean Counter Glad Hander
DownsizerTC BackstabberTC NumberCruncherTC Mover&ShakerTC
Downsizer Back Stabber Number Cruncher Mover & Shaker
HeadHunterTC SpinDoctorTC MoneyBagsTC Two-FaceTC
Head Hunter Spin Doctor Money Bags Two-Face
CorporateRaiderTC LegalEagleTC LoanSharkTC TheMinglerTC
Corporate Raider Legal Eagle Loan Shark The Mingler


Moneybags cbhq

A Level 7 Money Bags in Cashbot HQ.
