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Toontown Wiki

Moe Zart

Moe Zart is a VP SOS toon reward that you can recieve by defeating the VP. This SOS is a rare, five-star SOS. It is sound and will do 80 damage to all cogs that you are battling at the time. (Not including boss (aka VP, CFO, CJ, or CEO) cogs.)


1. A dog toon will pop up out of the ground using a "black hole teleport" and say "Hi (Your toon's name)! Glad to Help!

2. He will pull out a foghorn, doing 80 damage to all cogs you are fighting. If more than just the SOS toon is using a sound gag, he will use sound with you.

3. He will then say "See you later!" and jump back in to his teleport thing.
