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Toontown Wiki
Sleet Street
Sleet Street Tunnel
Not quite snow, not quite rain, but definitely a challenge.
The Brrrgh
Goes to:
Baritone Boulevard
General information
Minimum cog level: 5
Maximum cog level: 7
Max building floors: 5 floors
Building cog level: 10
Cog type rarity
10% 20% 30% 40%
Sleet Street
v • d • e

Sleet Street is a street in The Brrrgh that leads to Baritone Boulevard in Minnie's Melodyland.

The fisherman at this street's fishing hole is Fisherman Albert. This street contains many Sellbots and Cashbots.


  1. The Frozen Nose (Grumpy Phil)
  2. Portable Fireplaces (Hernia Belt)
  3. Snowmen Bought and Sold (Wynne Chill)
  4. Lowbrow Snowplows (Simian Sam)
  5. Heat - Get It While It's Hot! (Sweaty Pete)
  6. Solar Powered Thermal Blankets (Solar Ray)
  7. The Chattering Chronicle (Blake Ice)
  8. You Sleigh Me Sleds and Beds (Santa Paws)
  9. Shakey's Snow Globes (Shakey)
  10. Snow Bunny Ski Shop (Vidalia VaVoom)
  11. Icy Fine, Do You? Optometrist (Dr. Ivanna Cee)
  12. Noggin's Toboggan Bargains (Bumpy Noggin)
  13. Ice Cube on a Stick! (Freida Frostbite)
  14. Designer Inner Tubes (Chappy)
  15. Juneau What I Mean? Public Speaking Seminars
  16. Road Salt and Pepper (Mindy Windburn)
  17. Aunt Arctic's Soup Shop (Aunt Arctic)
  18. Polar Ice Caps (Balding Benjy)
  19. Chattering Teeth, Subzero Dentist (Dr. Mumbleface)
  20. Go With The Floe Expert Plumbers (Walt)
  21. Dropping Degrees Diner (Fanny Freezes)
  22. Diced Ice at a Nice Price (Choppy)
  23. Pluto's Place (Nelly Snow)
  24. Snowplace Like Home (Frosty Fred )
  25. Shiverin' Shakes Malt Shop (Mr. Sneeze)
  26. Icicles Built for Two (Tom Tandemfrost)
  27. The Downhill Diner (Giggles McGhee)
  28. Winter Storage (Blue Lou)


  • Sleet occurs when snow melts then refreezes as it falls to the ground.

In other languages[]

Language Name English Translation
FR French Rue de la Neige fondue ???
ES Spanish Travesía del Trineo ???
D German Schneestraße[1] ???
BRZ Brazilian Portuguese Rua da Chuva de Neve ???
Japan Japanese スリート・ストリート ???

